Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Some explanations are in order.

Around the World in 80 Dishes is my little quest to travel the globe without leaving my apartment.  It was originally started at my other blog, Life in the Des(s)ert, which is significantly broader (read: more rambling) in scope.  To help provide some focus for this little side project, AW80D was moved to its own space, and Life the the Des(s)ert will continue to be where all my other food/craft/life thoughts will go.

Quick Summary: There are 16 regions, each of which will produce five dishes, each of which, in theory, will be representative of a particular country's cuisine.  The plan is to not repeat a country, but that is liable to change if the country has distinctive regions that deserve highlighting or I manage to come up with a good reason to double post.  The regions are pretty arbitrarily determined:  I essentially broke the world down into manageable chunks, trying to keep regions united based on my preconceived notions of geography, culture, and cuisine.  I could be totally wrong on some of these; only time will tell.  I tried to select regions large enough (both area- and culinary-tradition-wise) that I'd have a good-sized range to work with, but I also did things like select the British Isles as a region, which I included because I am a huge Anglo-/Scotsophile, and have no problem with all five dishes being varieties of scone or whisky tastings.

Also, in an attempt to make this as much of a family affair as possible (without any hateration or holleration in this dancerie), The Husband has been placed in charge of selecting good music to accompany the preparation and/or consumption of each dish.  Let us hope he remembers that we agreed to this ages ago.


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